Tata Power Renewable Energy Limited v. UOI & Ors.


On 16.09.2022, a Writ Petition was filed by SKV Law Offices on behalf of Tata Power Renewable Energy Limited under Article 226 of the Constitution at the Hon’ble High Court of Andhra Pradesh seeking that the actions of APSLDC/ APTRANSO by issuing curtailment notices/ backing down instructions to the Petitioner violate the provisions of the Electricity Act, as well as the Regulations due to the Must Run Status, accorded to the Renewable Energy (“RE Generators”) including the Petitioner.

The Court was pleased to grant interim protection to the Petitioner of 3 (“three”) weeks considering the peak Wind season is in the month of September and held that proper reasoning and intimation must be provided to the RE Generators for curtailment and backing down of power.

In the said Writ Petition, the Petitioner was advised and represented by Mr. D. Prakash Reddy, Senior Advocate, Mr. Shri Venkatesh, Managing Partner, Mr. Suhael Buttan, Senior Associate, and Mr. Punyam Bhutani, Associate.

Access the Order here