Talwandi Sabo Power Limited v. Punjab State Electricity Regulatory Commission & Ors., Appeal No. 376 of 2022, Order dated 23.09.2022


SKV Law Offices successfully represented Talwandi Sabo Power Limited (“TSPL”) (owned by Vedanta Group) in securing an interim relief before the Hon’ble APTEL in an appeal wherein the TSPL had challenged the Preliminary Default Notice (“Default Notice”) issued by the Punjab State Power Corporation Ltd (“PSPCL”). Notably, the Default Notice was issued by the PSPCL alleging failure of the TSPL to achieve average power availability in terms of the Power Purchase Agreement (“PPA”) executed between the parties.

The Order passed by the Hon’ble APTEL brings relief to the TSPL which currently owns and operates one of the biggest coal-based super-critical thermal power plant in the State of Punjab with a capacity of 1980 (3×660) MW. Pursuant to the Default Notice and the Order of the Punjab State Electricity Regulatory Commission, the PSPCL could potentially have made deductions in the charges payable to the TSPL which in turn would have impaired the operation of the TSPL’s plant.

In the said Appeal, the TSPL was advised and represented by Mr. Sajjan Poovayya, Sr. Adv., Mr. Shri Venkatesh, Managing Partner, Mr. Ashutosh Shrivastava, Senior Associate, Mr. Siddharth Nigotia, Associate.